Thursday, May 28, 2020

Spire Dwarf Subrace for 5e

These dwarves are commonly mistaken for gnomes - this is why dwarves are often called gnomes by the lay person. The truth is these dwarves are an entirely separate subrace of dwarves.

Just as Mountain Dwarves stick to the heart of the mountain, Hill Dwarves, the deep earth, so do the Spire Dwarves stick to the airy peaks of the world. They make their home in lofty mountaintops and impossible monasteries, seeking to be in touch with the Weave.

But unlike their more earthen cousins Spire Dwarves do not share the sturdy build, thick, tufty hair or darker tones of skin. They are slight, and shorter, with hair and beards more akin to the thin hair of the Elf. Their skin is rarely darker than a pale white or pink red.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.

Spire Artistry. You gain proficiency in one of the tools of your choice: Alchemist’s supplies, herbalism kit, calligrapher’s supplies, jeweler’s tools, or painter’s supplies.

Make your Dwarf Wizards yeah.

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